Saturday, February 23, 2019

Anything is possible

Humans can do literally anything. We are energy. We are all connected. And we all have influence.
Our thoughts control our world.

As proven by my experience, negative thoughts destroy your life. They become reality.
Positive thoughts and ideas become reality as well.
To make heaven on earth, all we have to do is live, live to the fullest, do what you feel you are meant to do.

There is some sort of plan, engineering behind the world. God, aliens, a mass of human consciousness, who knows.
But tell the universe what you want from life, and you'll get it.

We get what we believe we deserve.
Stop settling for hell, and stop sabotaging yourself.
Let's crank this bitch up to heaven, or at least do some serious remodeling down here.

You can do anything if you want it badly enough. The opposite is also true.
If you believe you're a loser, will never be successful, will always be poor, always be an addict, or think you're a monster- it will come true.
But if you believe you will do great things, and you are a beautiful person- you will be.

Any obstacle or problem can be overcome with an unbridled positive outlook, and a belief that what you desire will come to pass.
Everything bad in your life, you have drawn to your reality based on your outlook, desires, thoughts, fears and beliefs, and especially your subconscious.
Your subconscious beliefs about yourself, other people, and the world affect your actions, which affect your reality and the people around you, who then turn back around and affect you.

You can change the world-
Or you can be part of the problem.
Make a conscious effort to change your automatic, negative thoughts.
You aren't stupid, you're a genius.
You might suck at math, but you're more creative than most people.
You have your own unique view of the world, and it's a beautiful thing.

You can change your life if only you can muster enough faith in yourself and the courage to try.
We are our own worst enemy, undefeatable if we're torn and hostile towards ourselves and others.
You have to love yourself and accept yourself for everything you are- the good and the bad.
You're kind and compassionate toward others, forgive easily, and brokenness only makes you fall deeper in love with other people.
But you torment and hate yourself.

If you met a clone of yourself, you would want to be her friend if you didn't know it was you.
You're accepting of even the worst faults in others, but since you're not the epitome of perfection, and you make mistakes just like 100% of the population, you say you're no good. A monster. Defective.

You'd never hold anyone else to such an insane, fucked up standard. You would never treat another human being the way you treat yourself no matter how shitty of a person they are.
Or you will continually snowball down in an avalanche of pain and misery.
They say a house divided cannot stand, and it's true.
If you hate yourself you will get nowhere but hell- a hell of your own subconscious design.

You have to end this bitter feud. Accept you are a beautiful yet flawed creature, become friends with yourself instead of enemies.
If the hero and villain are constantly at war, it helps no one, the city will be destroyed.
No progress will be made when you're constantly engaged in a losing internal, eternal battle.

Love is the answer, she told me. And she was right.
Love yourself so you have the capacity to love others.
Stop judging yourself so you can stop being judgmental.

Make a blueprint, design the person you want to be. You don't build a house without careful planning, deciding what each room should look like and what purpose it will serve.
Is a human lifetime not a thousand times more important than a mere building?
What good do you already see in yourself? What traits would you like to have that you admire in others? Who do you want to be? Write it all out- what you want your personality, beliefs, friends, life, and environment to look like.

Look at your plan often. Keep it in the back of your mind and make a consistent effort to move forward toward your goals.

LIFE IS WORTH LIVING, no matter your situation, no matter what has happened
to you, no matter how much you despise yourself, no matter what you think right now, and no matter what mistakes you've made in the past.

Accept yourself and believe in yourself as much as you would in your own innocent child.
You wouldn't hold a single person in this entire magnificent world to the same impossible, cruel standards you hold yourself to.
So stop. STOP.

Give it up already. You're fighting a war you will never win, and you're destroying a beautiful human life that can be so much more than what you've experienced.
You are an amazing person. A beautiful creature deserving of love and happiness.
You can do anything you want to once you stop fighting this ridiculous civil war.
Accept the good, the bad, and the ugly, and MOVE ON.

This chapter of your life is over. You don't have to live it anymore, you can turn the page, this very second, and start fresh. Forgive yourself, love yourself, believe in all the many good things about yourself and commit to losing the bad and changing the stagnating, rotten waste into compost for  beautiful garden. Look at the blue sky! Look at the people who care about you, and despite your worst, still think you're worth it!

What do you want from life? Money? Success? Love? Peace? Happiness? Independence? Serenity?
Joy? Excitement?
You can have it all. You can have anything you desire.
You can have anything you want, but be aware of what you're wishing for.
You'll subconsciously take steps that will eventually make your conscious and subconscious desires and beliefs a reality.

Believe that you deserve better, because you do. You deserve a second chance. Doesn't everyone?
Make a list of all the things you want to experience in your life.
If you're doing anything currently that doesn't push you toward those goals, whether in a small or huge way, STOP DOING IT.

You aren't helping yourself by cutting your arms, cussing yourself out or calling yourself names, feeling guilty about your past, or refusing to move on from a traumatic event, constantly reliving it.
Stop doing things that don't match up with your goals and morals. It hurts you, and it hurts other people. It's not fair to anyone to live the way you've been living, especially yourself.

Give yourself a fucking break.

Treat yourself like a friend, not an enemy.
Believe in yourself like you believe in your most ambitious and successful friends.
Love yourself like you love others.
Stop being a judgmental dickhead toward yourself.
Enjoy life. Love existing.

Have faith that things will get better, because they will. I know that because I've lived the opposite.
When you think your life is going to hell, you don't deserve to be happy, and there is nothing you can do about it, it will happen.

But when you realize your life is about to change in a beautiful way, you forgive yourself, stop blaming yourself for things that you can do nothing about, and know things are about to start going right for once in your life- you'll find it's true.
You create your own manifestation of reality.

Be your true self. Stop hiding, stop running away.
Normal is a mask people wear. You don't need a boring mask to hide your amazing, true self.
You don't need alcohol and drugs to be happy and look the world in the eye.
Make friends, be yourself, and live the life you want to live.
Know what you want and don't be afraid to go after it.

Life is worth living, and it can be anything you want it to be.
Realize when you're being a dick to yourself, or thinking negatively, and STOP, drop and fucking roll the hell out of there.

Actively try to change your most common negative thoughts, don't be a passive bystander.
When those thoughts come up, change them even if in just a small way, to be more positive.
Your subconscious will slowly start producing more and more positive thoughts the more often you challenge your automatic thoughts.

And don't regret the past. All the decisions you've made were based on your past experiences and beliefs, emotions, and fears at that point in time, and you made the choice that made perfect sense to the old you at the time. Don't beat yourself up because you know or believe now something you didn't back then.

Love, accept, desire, and exist freely.
You're the only one that can fix this.
Things are going to get so much, unimaginably better.
Things may be fucked up right now, but you will get there.
All you have to do is try.

Be the same stubborn ass son of a bitch you've always been, but this time, fight against hopelessness, fight against fear and irrationality,  burn down the cold claws depression and anxiety have been digging into your mind for years.

Refuse to give in to hatred and despair.
Refuse to listen to anyone that says you're not good enough.
Fight against the voice telling you you'd be better off dead.
Fight against anyone and anything that tries to bring you down.
Challenge your own false beliefs.
Refuse to fail.

Hold out till morning comes, it may be cold as hell in the dark, and the monsters are out to destroy you, and your feet feel like they're falling off from frostbite, and your heart is racing so fast you're having a heart attack, electrical pain is convulsing through your entire body hitting every last nerve, oh the pain, it hurts so much you wish someone would fucking kill you already, end it, end it, I can't go on like this, I'd rather be dead!

Refuse to give in, keep running, run faster, you're stronger than you ever knew, and no one can stop you, and there might be thorns in your feet but you can dig them out later, keep pushing through the woods of your mind, and most of all, don't be afraid to pass out when you get to the road, you don't have to walk it alone, you can let someone help you, and don't be afraid of the driver that wants to take you to the hospital cause he can tell you've been through hell and you're fucking dying, you're sick as a dog, you're starving and you're not ok in any sense of the word, but the sun is finally rising, winter is melting away like the world is on fire, colorful flowers are blooming everywhere you look, the pain is gone, and the sun feels so amazing, you feel so high cocaine would kill the buzz, bring you down, you can see through the forest, the road signs are showing, you know where you're going,

And finally, you can see, and life is so beautiful, more beautiful than you ever knew it could be.


Kat543 said...

Awesome. Now go back and read this on the hard days. �� Love you!

Melanie said...

Beautifully wrote Freyja. Now if you can work on believing those things you wrote and put them into practice when you start going to your bad places. You should be able to tell when you are starting to feel bad. Come back and read this!!!!! You have probably already heard this and it ties in with what you wrote: we are our own worst critic. We are harder on ourselves than other people are. Why? I have no idea, but we need to ease up. You are loved and cared about!!!

Unknown said...

Perfectly said! You are a very beautiful and talented young lady. Thank you for the read, gives me something to think about throughout the day!

Michelle said...

This was awesome! I laughed and cried.

You remind me of myself when I was much younger.

Fighting to find reason to live while everyone around me tore me down and wanted me to pretend everything was ok so things looked perfect on the outside.

And that only fed the demons inside my mind.

But I even totally made it to the other side.

I know it's cliche, but some of the most hurt and broken people, are the most beautiful people.

Michelle said...

That should be eventually not even totally.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! I love how true and raw this is. Don't ever forget how far you've come. I hope you can look back on this often and remember how strong and brave you really are!!! AND I hope others read it and are inspired. I know I am.

Tina said...

You are an amazing writer! I hope that when you express yourself on paper that it helps you to move a few steps forward in what you deal with on a daily basis!!